Who Am I?

Are you a man?

What does that mean to you?

We live in a world focused on becoming. We live by achievements and the message is that you have to make something of yourself. What does that mean? Have you taken any time to look at what you already are, right now? What matters to you? What is essential to you? What did you pick up without even knowing it? What are you carrying that you don’t even want anymore?

We are gathered around a very simple question that most people take for granted. Who am I?

Many people never see themselves because they never even look.

Who am I?

What does that question mean to you?
Are you your stories? Your achievements? Failures?
Let’s meet and talk about what really matters.
You can’t really show up in your life unless you know who is showing up.
This group is for any man who wants to explore their own truths and support others in finding theirs.
ALL men are welcome, no matter what you believe or how you identify! (Unless you are toxic or in any way unsafe. Then you will be asked to leave.

Who are we?



Steve hails from a life lived in many spaces, being no stranger to the gifts of depression and anxiety. A chef who loves the synergy of the kitchen, but not a restaurant’s relentless schedule. His major influences include Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Raman Maharshi, and Adyashanti. His passion for the inner life, and his devotion to meditation, have led him to Men’s Work, Vipassana retreats, and the exploration of spirituality in all manifestations, regardless of the outer trappings of culture or religion.Steve hails from a life lived in many spaces, being no stranger to the gifts of depression and anxiety. A chef who loves the synergy of the kitchen, but not a restaurant’s relentless schedule. His major influences include Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Raman Maharshi, and Adyashanti. His passion for the inner life, and his devotion to meditation, have led him to Men’s Work, Vipassana retreats, and the exploration of spirituality in all manifestations, regardless of the outer trappings of culture or religion.



Joseph grew up on stage but found himself through service to others. A successful actor, poet, musician, scholar, and more, he has a variety of talents to share with the world. It was his contemplative life, however, that led him to help people through spiritual direction, Enneagram study, and prison volunteer work. He is a natural teacher with experience in both religious and secular settings.

Laughter and tears are welcome.
No one needs to share, but open honesty is safe here.
Be kind.
Be mindful in your speech (about 5 minutes limit per share)





Saturdays (on even numbered weeks) 0900-1100